Cyclops (mono-ophthalmia).
“Round or circle-eyed” giants populated Greek-Roman mythology. Homer described them as mortal herdsmen sons of Poseidon.
In Biology it is established that “veratrum californicum, album”, or other related herbs contain teratogens (cyclopamine and jervine) that cause cyclopia in grazing animals. Among humans, trisomy 13 and other causes may manifest as partial or near total fusion of orbits and its contents. Usually such congenital malformations are associated with anomalies of the frontal cerebral lobe that fails to divide and control the development of the nose (proboscis). Please search for companion illustrations (requires registration/subscription).
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A series of “Basic Elements of Teratology/Dysmorphology in Clinical Practice” webinars describe the principles, terminology, visual elements, and other basic components to prepare clinicians to better grasp clinically oriented webinars. The emphasis is on visual and terminology elements. In other words, the BASIC DESCRIPTIVE WEBINARS precede “TOPOGRAPHIC” WEBINARS and PRACTICUMS stressing combinations of informative visual clinical signs, signals, syndromes, etc. Webinars often are expanded by supplements and include links to further sources of information (see Table of Contents).