Our priorities must respond to the threat posed by Russia to Ukrainian children in particular those
with developmental disabilities. Please follow our postings and appeals for assistance.

Notions resistant to erosions by time.

PREVENTION – Developmental Anomalies (Birth Defects).

Please, consider searching by keywords

A Child For Life. A 22-minute educational film explaining Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and including interviews with experts, families and children affected by FASD. It was produced by NOFAS United Kingdom (NOFASUK) and translated into Ukrainian by Ukraine Works Ltd (Anne Linden, Director) [ALCOHOL BABIES CHILD CHILDREN DISORDERS FAMILIES FAMILY RELATIONS PUBLIC HEALTH INFANTS FASD].

Breastfeeding, Alcohol and Drug Use. Overview of lactation as a vehicle of teratogenic impacts of alcohol and drugs made by Dr. Claire Cole, a member of the international team implementing the CIFASD initiative in Ukraine sponsored by the National Institutes of Health concerned with alcohol teratogenesis. She coordinates investigations of alcohol impacts on mental development [ALCOHOL BABIES BREASTFEEDING FASD PUBLIC HEALTH].

Chornobyl – Polissia – Pregnancies – Children. A presentation made by Prof. Wladimir Wertelecki (OMNI-Net Ukraine) in 2016 in Lviv. It is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Chornobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident – in Ukrainian [IONIZING RADIATION, BECQUEREL, CS-137, CESIUM, NTD, MICROCEPHALY, EPIDEMIOLOGY].

Clinical Epidemiology in Practice. Developmental anomalies are leading cause of infant mortality. Among the leading teratogenes in Ukraine are ionizing radiation, alcohol, and probably wide spread micro-nutrition deficiencies, including those associated with neural tube defects such as spina bifida, among others. The focus of this presentation is on the research platform of Medword OMNI-Net which sustains population based registries of births and developmental anomalies. The presentation by Prof. Wladimir Wertelecki is in English (slides) and Ukrainian (voice), 35 minutes, 20181206. [CLINICAL EPIDEMIOLOGY, TERATOLOGY, ALCOHOL, FAS, FASD, RADIATION, CHORNOBYL, DYSMORPHOLOGY].

Congenital malformations in Rivne Polissia and the Chornobyl accident. A presentation made by Prof. Wladimir Wertelecki at the Helen Caldicott Foundation Symposium “The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident”, New York Academy of Sciences, 2013 – in English with French subtitles [IONIZING RADIATION, BECQUEREL, CS-137, CESIUM, NTD, MICROCEPHALY, EPIDEMIOLOGY].

Diagnosis of the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. A presentation made by Prof. Kenneth L. Jones (Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, USA) at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine) in April 2017 – In English with Ukrainian translation [FAS, FASD, DIAGNOSIS, PREVENTION].

Excerpts from “Genetic Counseling”. A report by Frank Clarke Fraser based on a Workshop on Genetic Counseling sponsored by the National Genetics Foundation, Inc., held in Washington, D.C., December 10-13, 1972 (Fraser FC. Genetic counseling. American Journal of Human Genetics. 1974;26(5):636-661) [GENETIC, COUNCELING].

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and Developmental Outcomes. A presentation made by Prof. Claire D. Coles (Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA) at the Ukrainian Catholic University (Lviv, Ukraine) in April 2017 – In English with Ukrainian translation [FAS, FASD, DIAGNOSIS, PREVENTION, EDUCATION, PUBLIC HEALTH].

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders – perspectives. A lecture delivered in 2013 by Dr. Kenneth Warren (Director of the National Institute of Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse) – in English with Ukrainian translation [FAS, FASD, PREVENTION, AMELIORATION, EDUCATION, PUBLIC HEALTH].

Folic acid flour fortification initiative. A story shown in a nation-wide transmission by Channel 24 (Ukraine, November 23, 2016) – in English and Ukrainian [PREVENTION, NTD, SPINA BIFIDA, PUBLIC HEALTH].

Intrauterine vascular disruption as a cause of birth defects. A presentation made in 2016 by Dr. Kenneth Jones (author of Smith’s Recognizable Patterns of Human Malformations, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Dysmorphology/Teratology, University of California, San Diego, School of Medicine, La Jolla, CA) – in English with Ukrainian translation [IUGR, TWIN, VANISHING, DEFORMATION, REVIEW, PLACENTA].

Josef Warkany – foundations of Teratology. A series of interviews with Josef Warkany (Austrian-American pediatrician known as the “Father of Teratology”) – in English [EXPERIMENTAL, TERATOGENESIS, NUTRITION, DIET, CRETINISM, IODINE, GOITER, ENVIRONMENT, ECOLOGY].

Neonatology – Teratology – Ukraine. A lecture of Prof. Wladimir Wertelecki (OMNI-Net Ukraine) for neonatologists and concerns the importance of early detection of developmental disabilities in children (2015, Chernivtsi, Ukraine) – in Ukrainian [NEWBORN, INFANT, MALFORMATIONS, DEFORMATIONS, SYNDROMES, DYSMORPHOLOGY, ANTICIPATORY, CARE, PREVENTION, FOLATE, FOLIC ACID, ALCOHOL].

Neural tube defects in Ukraine. In this video made in 2001, Profs. Yuriy Orlov, Ihor Baryliak, Dr. Halyna Skyban tell about the burden of neural tube defects in Ukraine – in Ukrainian [NTD, SPINA BIFIDA, PREVENTION, FORTIFICATION, FLOUR, FOLATE, FOLIC ACID].

Neural Tube Defects (NTD) and Exposures to Chernobyl Low Doses of Radiation. This formal presentation to an international audience (2019 International Neural Tube Defects Conference, Joseph B. Martin Center at Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA) represents 20-year efforts by a large team of investigators dedicated to clarify a CONUNDRUM – International experts and authorities such as IAEA and on its behalf the WHO assert on theoretical grounds that radiation released from Chernobyl or Fukushima disasters is too low to cause detectable human developmental anomalies. On the other hand, the presented observations appear to contradict the theoretical official argument. Either the agencies are in error or the elevated neural tube defects are not due to radiation. [NTD, SPINA BIFIDA, PREVENTION, FORTIFICATION, FLOUR, FOLATE, FOLIC ACID, LOW DOSE, RADIATION, CHORNOBYL].

Warkany Josef – foundations of Teratology. A series of interviews with Josef Warkany (Austrian-American pediatrician known as the “Father of Teratology”) – in English [EXPERIMENTAL, TERATOGENESIS, NUTRITION, DIET, CRETINISM, IODINE, GOITER, ENVIRONMENT, ECOLOGY].