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Note what signs you see.
I (W. Wertelecki, M.D.) see what you see. If you want to see more, look at the next post.
PERSPECTIVE: The diagnosis in this instance is not as simple as you may think. Otherwise, how would you explain that this child reached such extreme degree of skin lesions. Consider that a few pills virtually cured him in a short time (see next post) indicates that the diagnosis was difficult. Furthermore, the diagnosis was made by a junior pediatric resident who had a “fresh eye” or perspective. This patient is also an emblem of the gratitude of this resident to a pediatrician who advocated his admission to the residency program. The advocacy was needed because the junior resident was an “alien”. His champion was Dr. Helen Nash who was not only a pediatric leader but a recognized Community Leader who broke racial and gender barriers in Saint Louis, Missouri and beyond. If you like to know more and see further images, please view a video.