Our priorities must respond to the threat posed by Russia to Ukrainian children in particular those
with developmental disabilities. Please follow our postings and appeals for assistance.

About – Dysmorphology – Contents – E-learning

Clinical Eye Openers (CEO) is one of several websites developed my Omninet-Medword, LLC registered in United States of North America in partnership with the International Charitable Fund “OMNI-Net for Children” registered in Ukraine. The senior editor is W. Wertelecki, M.D., a Pediatrician and Medical Geneticist. Further information is given in the Omninet-Medword site.

– ENGLISH – International medical parlance is in English – Most visitors are NOT native English speakers. To facilitate understanding, English in many modules is spoken very slowly as well as repetitively.

– REGISTRATION is FREE – it is confidential and NECESSARY. The contents often include CLINICAL IMAGES and viewers are expected to uphold standards of RESPECT described in the process of registration.

– REGISTRATION versus SUBSCRIPTION – registered visitors have limited free access to contents – subscribers have full access to contents.

– CONTENTS – We seek to uphold the highest publication standards and quality assurance, including providing credits to authors, sources, dates/updates, completeness and accuracy, among other criteria.

– ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS – Much credit is due to members of the International Charitable Fund “OMNI-Net for Children”; colleagues from the Center for Better Beginnings of the Division of Dysmorphology and Teratology of the Department of Pediatrics, University of California, San Diego, among many others.

Goals and Strategies

To promote “open eyes” – clinical skills to note signs and understand which are signals of clinical relevance.

Show provocative illustrations (images and videos) to “open eyes” of clinicians and their ability to translate them into clinical signals.

The images are selected from contributions by experienced clinical geneticists. The editor is Professor Dr. Wladimir Wertelecki, a Pediatrician and Clinical Geneticists (search YouTube).

Ongoing – generally, postings appear weekly.

Frequent postings of provocative images and videos illustrating  developmental landmarks and dysmorphic signs followed by interpretations of signs as signals. Concurrent emphasis on “Medical English”. Postings may consist of single or series of images (galleries), as well as video recordings. Some modules include interpretation of signs as signals and clusters of signals as syndromes. Larger modules may include hypotheses of pathogenesis, etiology and diagnosis.

CEO is NOT a source of information concerning syndromes, diagnosis or medical management. The aim of CEO is limited to an emphasis of provocative images and corresponding medical terminology. Occasionally mention is made of pathogenesis, etiology, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatments with the purpose of enhancing memorization and demonstration of relevance.

CLINICAL EYE OPENERS (CEO) is a veritable clinical gallery of images and videos illustrating clinical signs interpreted as signals to accelerate the recognition of potential causes (etiology), mechanisms (pathogenesis), natural history (patterns of past, present and prospective symptoms and clinical prognosis) – CEO is NOT a source of information to formulate diagnoses or therapies.

NOTE: ACCESS BY OR SHARED VIEWS WITH MINORS IS TO BE AVOIDED – to some, clinical images may be disturbing or considered inappropriate.