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Cleido-Cranial Dysplasia

Please click to enlarge.

Note what signs you see.

I (W. Wertelecki, M.D.) see a prime example to test how good are your clinical eyes. We already mentioned the diagnosis which implies that you are already partially blinded (prone to see what you know about the disorder and not note other signs). I post this image not because of the “cleido” nor because of the “cranio” but because these twin girls illustrate other perspectives and principles of Clinical Teratology, namely an admixture of Epidemiology, Semiology, Mendelian Genetics, among other basic sciences. Please, consult standard sources of clinical information concerning this diagnosis. What I have in mind is to mention something else.

PERSPECTIVES and CREDIT: This illustration is from the J. Warkany archive (called by many “the father of Teratology”). Many archived illustrations including the present were included in his classic comprehensive book on “Congenital Anomalies: Notes and Comments”. Dr. Warkany preferred to call this disorder “dysostosis” (page 837) because the dysplasia is not limited to two areas (continued in the related gallery).

Tags: dxCleidoCran