Purpura 1d
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Note what signs you see.
I (W. Wertelecki, M.D.) see a facies of an obviously ill infant apparently febrile (note a strong correlation of “purpura” with meningococcemia (see perspective).
PERSPECTIVE: Purpuras represent spots due to bleeding in the dermis (do not blanch under pressure) – due to vasculitis and not due to lack of platelets causing skin petechiae (less than 3mm) – equimoses are large hematomas (over 1 cm).
Petechiae being smaller and have different distribution can be distinguished visually from purpura and often are due to deficit of platelets (thromocytopenia).
The vasculitis causing purpuras often are due to infections – purpura is a major sign of meningococcemia – a serious sepsis generally associated with meningitis.
One serious complication of infectious vasculitis is intravascular coagulation manifested as “purpura fulminans” (search with the key term “fulminans” for an illustration).
Obviously there are many other causes of vasculitis including scurvy (vitamin C deficits). Please search standard sources for more medical information.
Please see further illustrations and perspective in “Gallery of Patients” – search term “purpura 1”.